for owners

we advertise your house

When it comes to holiday rentals, the key to success is good advertising. We give you optimally placed advertisements with high quality images produced by professionals.

We also provide a comprehensive and thorough analysis of the rental prices to be achieved, depending on the seasonal differences, enabling you to successfully manage your property.

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we look after your guests

We are there in person to greet your guests and see them off, and we’re on hand as their contact person for any questions that might arise during their stay.

Personalised on-site attention guarantees satisfied guests wholl want to return.

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we take care of your 

administrative procedures

To turn your property into a holiday home, you need an official licence and registration with the Cabildo of Fuerteventura.

We handle all the necessary administrative formalities as well as the registration of all your guests.

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we manage your bookings 

To secure bookings, friendly and fast communication is essential.

Our competent processing of payments and deposits will also earn you the trust of your guests.

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we look after your house

Thorough cleaning and maintenance of the house, pool and garden will not only make your guests feel at home. Your property will also thank you for it.

A great team of local service employees and professionals makes all this possible.

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